12 OCTOBER 2025

Products Through the Journey

Pre-Race: Healthy feet
Scholl are the total footcare solution to your walking and running goals! Starting with healthy feet can make a huge difference to your overall wellbeing leading up to and completing your journey.

Scholl have a simple 3 step routine to keep your feet exfoliated, improve blood circulation and hydrate and restore the skin, should you have any rough skin on your feet. It’s a simple solution to put you in tip-top shape for race day.

During: Shock absorption and comfort
Scholl GelActiv® Insoles offer shock absorption and comfort to prevent tired and aching feet at the end of the race and Scholl InBalance® Orthotics provide pain relief for the lower body to ensure you go that extra step.

Not only do they help support tired, achy feet, they also provide odour control solutions for those smelly trainers, so you don’t worry about having to take those shoes off!

Post Race: Repair, Rest & Heal
Have your rest day the right way. Rest is a key piece to your overall fitness and recovery, and Scholl have the products to assist you. Scholl’s range of protection and healing products like Blister plasters, help you recover from the race in no time.

Did you know that studies show that compression socks can help reduce muscle damage, inflammation and improve circulation? Scholl flight socks, are your perfect compression sock companion, to ensure your legs recover and get you back out there!

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